As counterpoint to the "Believe what the government tells you" talking
points being parroted by our resident Internet Expert, I thought I'd
post a little advice from someone who's Been There Done That with
believing what governments say in the wake of nuclear disasters.
Chernobyl Cleanup Survivor's Message for Japan: 'Run Away as Quickly as
Possible'Natalia Manzurova, one of the few survivors among those
directly  involved in the long cleanup of Chernobyl, was a 35-year-old
engineer at  a nuclear plant in Ozersk, Russia, in April 1986 when she
and 13 other  scientists were told to report to the wrecked, burning
plant in the  northern Ukraine.

It was just four days after the world's biggest nuclear disaster spewed 
enormous amounts of radiation into the atmosphere and forced the 
evacuation of 100,000 people.

Manzurova and her colleagues were among the roughly 800,000 "cleaners" 
or "liquidators" in charge of the removal and burial of all the 
contamination in what's still called the dead zone.

  [Natalia Manzurova]        Natalia Manzurova, shown here in 1988 in the
"dead zone" of the  Pripyat, is one of the relatively few survivors
among those directly  involved in the cleanup of Chernobyl.  She spent 4
1/2 years helping clean the abandoned town of Pripyat, which  was less
than two miles from the Chernobyl reactors. The plant workers  lived
there before they were abruptly evacuated.

Manzurova, now 59 and an advocate for radiation victims worldwide, has 
the "Chernobyl necklace" -- a scar on her throat from the removal of her
thyroid -- and myriad health problems. But unlike the rest of her team 
members, who she said have all died from the results of radiation 
poisoning, and many other liquidators, she's alive.

AOL News spoke with Manzurova about the nuclear disaster in Japan with 
the help of a translator on the telephone Monday from Vermont. 
Manzurova, who still lives in Ozersk, was beginning a one-week
informational tour
.pdf>  of the U.S. organized by the Beyond Nuclear
<>  watchdog group.

AOL News: What was your first reaction when you heard about Fukushima?
Manzurova: It felt like déjà vu. I felt so worried for  the people
of Japan and the children especially. I know the experience  that awaits

But experts say Fukushima is not as bad as Chernobyl.
Every nuclear accident is different, and the impact cannot be truly 
measured for years. The government does not always tell the truth. Many 
will never return to their homes. Their lives will be divided into two 
parts: before and after Fukushima. They'll worry about their health and 
their children's health. The government will probably say there was not 
that much radiation and that it didn't harm them. And the government 
will probably not compensate them for all that they've lost. What they 
lost can't be calculated.

What message do you have for Japan?
Run away as quickly as possible. Don't wait. Save yourself and don't 
rely on the government because the government lies. They don't want you 
to know the truth because the nuclear industry is so powerful.

  [Natalia Manzurova]

When you were called to go to Chernobyl, did you know how bad it was
I had no idea and never knew the true scope until much later. It was all
covered in secrecy. I went there as a professional because I was told 
to -- but if I was asked to liquidate such an accident today, I'd never 
agree. The sacrifices the Fukushima workers are making are too high 
because the nuclear industry was developed in such a way that the 
executives don't hold themselves accountable to the human beings who 
have to clean up a disaster. It's like nuclear slavery.

What was your first impression of Chernobyl?
It was like a war zone where a neutron bomb had gone off. I always felt
I  was in the middle of a war where the enemy was invisible. All the 
houses and buildings were intact with all the furniture, but there 
wasn't a single person left. Just deep silence everywhere. Sometimes I 
felt I was the only person alive on a strange planet. There are really 
no words to describe it.

What did your work as a liquidator entail?
First, we measured radiation levels and got vegetation samples to see 
how high the contamination was. Then bulldozers dug holes in the ground 
and we buried everything -- houses, animals, everything. There were some
wild animals that were still alive, and we had to kill them and put 
them in the holes.

Were any pets left in the houses?
The people had only a few hours to leave, and they weren't allowed to 
take their dogs or cats with them. The radiation stays in animals' fur 
and they can't be cleaned, so they had to be abandoned. That's why 
people were crying when they left. All the animals left behind in the 
houses were like dried-out mummies. But we found one dog that was still 

Where did you find the dog and how did he survive?
We moved into a former kindergarten to use as a laboratory and we found 
her lying in one of the children's cots there. Her legs were all burned 
from the radiation and she was half blind. Her eyes were all clouded 
from the radiation. She was slowly dying.

Were you able to rescue her?
No. Right after we moved in, she disappeared. And this is the amazing 
part. A month later we found her in the children's ward of the 
(abandoned) hospital. She was dead. She was lying in a child's bed, the 
same size bed we found her in the kindergarten. Later we found out that 
she loved children very much and was always around them.

How did working in the dead zone begin to affect your health?
I started to feel as if I had the flu. I would get a high temperature 
and start to shiver. What happens during first contact with radiation is
that your good flora is depleted and the bad flora starts to flourish. I
suddenly wanted to sleep all the time and eat a lot. It was the 
organism getting all the energy out.

How much radiation were you subjected to?
We were never told. We wore dosimeters which measured radiation and we 
submitted them to the bosses, but they never gave us the results.

But didn't you realize the danger and want to leave?
Yes, I knew the danger. All sorts of things happened. One colleague 
stepped into a rainwater pool and the soles of his feet burned off 
inside his boots. But I felt it was my duty to stay. I was like a 
firefighter. Imagine if your house was burning and the firemen came and 
then left because they thought it was too dangerous.

When did you discover the thyroid tumor?
They found it during a routine medical inspection after I had worked 
there several years. It turned out to be benign. I don't know when it 
started to develop. I had an operation to remove half the thyroid gland.
The tumor grew back, and last year I had the other half removed. I live 
on (thyroid) hormones now.

Why did you go back to Chernobyl after getting a thyroid tumor?
Right around the time of my operation, the government passed a law 
saying the liquidators had to work for exactly 4 1/2 years to get our 
pension and retire. If you left even one day early, you would not get 
any benefits.

Really? That seems beyond cruel.
It's why the nuclear industry is dangerous. They want to deny the 
dangers. They kept changing the law about what benefits we'd get because
if they admitted how much we were affected, it would look bad for the 
industry. Now we hardly get any benefits.

Did your health worsen after you finally finished work at Chernobyl?
I was basically disabled at 43. I was having fits similar to epileptic 
fits. My blood pressure was sky high. It was hard to work for more than 
six months a year. The doctors didn't know what to do with me. They 
wanted to put me in a psychiatric ward and call me crazy. Finally they 
admitted it was because of the radiation.\

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