Sometimes spectacular sacred art is just in the backyard.

Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, NY

--- In, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> --- In, "emptybill" emptybill@ wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for the link to this spectacular iconographic mural.
> Isn't that something? I wasn't familiar with that particular
> piece of iconography, of Christ pulling Adam and Eve out of
> their graves, but I just read up on it a bit. It's not common
> in Western Christian art except in representations of the
> Harrowing of Hell, in between Christ's death and resurrection,
> and there the focus is on hell rather than the risen Christ.
> Eastern Christian art combines the two but with the emphasis
> on the resurrected Christ.
> Apparently the Eastern iconography requires that Christ
> grasp Adam and Eve by their wrists rather than taking their
> hands, to highlight that they play no role in their
> redemption; it's all Christ's doing.
> Oh, man, do a Yahoo image search for "Harrowing of Hell."
> There are some real beauties (including a bunch of the
> Anastasis type like the the one I linked to, either by
> the same artist or by his imitators, very similar style,
> slightly different compositions, all gorgeous).
> Here's a marvelous "Hellmouth" one from an English miniature:
> Well, I could do this all night, but I'll spare you.
> > I've never seen picts of this church so I'll try and look it up.
> The whole interior is covered in art. Most of it is mosaics.
> The church was turned into a mosque at one point and it was
> all plastered over, so a lot of the works are pretty badly
> damaged. Wikipedia has a good list of what's there, but not
> much *about* the art. I'd never seen any of it until I
> looked up the Anastasis fresco. A trip to Turkey probably
> isn't in the cards for me, but boy, I'd love to see the
> place.

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