Shows the certificate is a many layered Adobe Illustrator file.

This is not going to end.

I'm not a birther, but this video is interesting for other reasons, like, how 
the White House could be so stupid. 


--- In, "Joe" <geezerfreak@...> wrote:
> Which is why Trump immediately shifted his focus yesterday to questioning how 
> Obama got into Columbia and Harvard...."why won't he show us his grades?"
> He (and the other idiot birthers) should just man up and say what's REALLY on 
> their "minds": 
> "He ain't one of us."
> "He's ain't a TRUE Christian"
> "He's probably a Mooslum"
> "He's a niggra and it just galls me to no end that one of THEM made it into 
> the WHITE House"
> Jon Stewart got it right: 
> --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "Robert" <babajii_99@> wrote:
> > >
> > >  This has little to do with where President Obama was born...
> > > And much to do with unadulterated racism...
> > > Plain and simple.
> > 
> > Exactly. That's what I meant by saying that listening
> > to what the birthers say now that their non-issue has
> > been revealed as the non-issue it always was would be
> > like being a fly on the wall of a KKK meeting. 
> > 
> > It's ALWAYS been about having a black man as President,
> > and some people being unable to live with that. The
> > very essence of "birtherism" is "This person is not
> > entitled by birth to hold his office, the way a real
> > President should be..." Since they couldn't bring 
> > themselves to add "...because he's black," they 
> > said "...because he wasn't born in the USA."
> >

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