--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@...> wrote:
> Robert, I can't admit to anything, I'm not involved. But from my perspective, 
> this birther stuff is well deserved pay back and BHO's own 
> grandmother claimed 
> he was born right there in Kenya. 

No, Obama's grandmother didn't say he was born in Kenya

Another one of the birther myths hits the mainstream, 
courtesy of G. Gordon Liddy's appearance on MSNBC 



Democrats tried to make an issue of McCain 
> being born in the Panama Canal zone, claiming he wasn't a legal citizen and 
> not 
> qualified to be president. Those who live by the sword shall parish by the 
> sword 
> or what's good for the goose , is good for the gander. Democratic chickens 
> are 
> coming home to roost, as  the Rev.Jeremiah Wright would say.
> ________________________________
> From: Robert <babajii_99@...>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thu, April 28, 2011 7:11:30 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama birth certificate issued by White House
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@> wrote:
> >
> > Robert, pay back's a bitch, aint it? Remember 9/11 Truthers and Dan 
> > Rather's 
> > false documents? And the beat goes on....
> >(snip)
> So, you admit that this is all just 'Bull', 
> And it's just some sort of payback?
> So, let me get this straight...
> If we somehow think that President Obama is not really the President, then we 
> can somehow also forget...
> That George W. Bush was President...?

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