Yeah, me 2.

I like reject this unadulterated raysism thing. It's just so totally

So yeah, like that still matters.

I'm now insisting on strictly adulterated raysism. I mean were all
adults here aren't we?

Or whatever!?


--- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Apr 28, 2011, at 5:34 PM, Joe wrote:
> > Which is why Trump immediately shifted his focus yesterday to
questioning how Obama got into Columbia and Harvard...."why won't he
show us his grades?"
> Light the torches!
> >
> > He (and the other idiot birthers) should just man up and say what's
REALLY on their "minds":
> >
> > "He ain't one of us."
> >
> > "He's ain't a TRUE Christian"
> >
> > "He's probably a Mooslum"
> >
> > "He's a niggra and it just galls me to no end that one of THEM made
it into the WHITE House"
> >
> > Jon Stewart got it right:\
> "We'll march to their side of town and burn the job-grubbing, college
grant stealing Muslim n*ggahs outta their tenements!" you could easily
guess some such theme as subtext.
> I'd love to get close enough to just deck that as*hole.
> There are few people on this planet that would drive me to striking
another human, but Trump is one such person.

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