A PDF of the original birth certificate should just be a scan not an 
actual PostScript document.  Older documents are usually always done 
this way since of course there is no data around and you just scan the 
document.  So the guy's video may be a fake.  And there is even an 
article today on InfoWars.com about it being a distraction and even if 
McCain had gotten elected he wouldn't have done anything different in 
the White House.  That's because Presidents are "car salesmen" and don't 
really set policy.

As for the birther issue on the liberal side people are giving pause 
because we don't want to open the door for Ahnuld to become President.  
But then he has given indication that he has learned his lesson about 
politics and wants to get back into movies.  Maybe a Terminator meets 
the Fockers movie?

On 04/29/2011 10:35 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
> Joe,  what did I miss?  I'm thinking the White House made a scan that has 
> it's own ways of sorting out hunks and therefore there's artifacts of that 
> process that can be made out to be suspect.  If so, then the White House 
> should have warned the Media about this issue.  By not having done so, 
> they're either non-geeky or they planned on the birther issue to still have 
> some traction to gripe.  Am I missing some element here?
> Edg
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Joe"<geezerfreak@...>  wrote:
>> Nope, the stupidity is entirely yours on this issue.
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung<no_reply@>  wrote:
>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNJfdKClbH4
>>> Shows the certificate is a many layered Adobe Illustrator file.
>>> This is not going to end.
>>> I'm not a birther, but this video is interesting for other reasons, like, 
>>> how the White House could be so stupid.
>>> Edg
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Joe"<geezerfreak@>  wrote:
>>>> Which is why Trump immediately shifted his focus yesterday to questioning 
>>>> how Obama got into Columbia and Harvard...."why won't he show us his 
>>>> grades?"
>>>> He (and the other idiot birthers) should just man up and say what's REALLY 
>>>> on their "minds":
>>>> "He ain't one of us."
>>>> "He's ain't a TRUE Christian"
>>>> "He's probably a Mooslum"
>>>> "He's a niggra and it just galls me to no end that one of THEM made it 
>>>> into the WHITE House"
>>>> Jon Stewart got it right: 
>>>> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/28/jon-stewart-birth-certificate_n_854774.html
>>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb<no_reply@>  wrote:
>>>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert"<babajii_99@>  wrote:
>>>>>>   This has little to do with where President Obama was born...
>>>>>> And much to do with unadulterated racism...
>>>>>> Plain and simple.
>>>>> Exactly. That's what I meant by saying that listening
>>>>> to what the birthers say now that their non-issue has
>>>>> been revealed as the non-issue it always was would be
>>>>> like being a fly on the wall of a KKK meeting.
>>>>> It's ALWAYS been about having a black man as President,
>>>>> and some people being unable to live with that. The
>>>>> very essence of "birtherism" is "This person is not
>>>>> entitled by birth to hold his office, the way a real
>>>>> President should be..." Since they couldn't bring
>>>>> themselves to add "...because he's black," they
>>>>> said "...because he wasn't born in the USA."

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