--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <no_reply@...> wrote:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TM-Sidhi

A man became Enlightened. The disciples of the Devil immediately went to
the Devil, their master, and they said, "What are you doing sitting
here? Run fast! Rush fast! One man has become Enlightened -- and we have
to destroy his truth before it reaches to people, otherwise Hell will
become empty, nobody will be coming to Hell. Everybody will go to
Heaven, to Paradise, or to Moksha!"

It is said that the Devil sitting there smiled silently. He said, "Don't
be worried -- there is no hurry and no worry. Scholars have already
reached there. They will destroy the truth. They do our work so
perfectly that we need not be worried."

Whenever a truth is born, a ray of light, suddenly scholars gather
together -- intellectuals, professors, philosophers. theoreticians --
and they jump upon the truth, they crush it; they mould it into dead
theories and scriptures. That which was alive becomes just a paper

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