--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "richardnelson108" <richardnelson108@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "richardnelson108" 
> > <richardnelson108@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Now that I can stop policing Vaj for the moment...
> > 
> > Although he doesn't.
> > 
> > > ...(don't worry folks we know his silence on topics 
> > > that he claims to be an expert on but really isn't 
> > > will not last long... oh yes, he will be back!),
> > > 
> > > I just wanted to say to those who are interested 
> > > that I saw Jerry last weekend at one of his knowledge 
> > > meetings. His presentation of the reality of life 
> > > from both knowledge and experience is better than ever.
> > > He is such a joy to be around. Very grounded, practical, 
> > > positive, so unlike the heads of the movement we now 
> > > have. Anyway, if you can ever get the chance to see 
> > > him, I would recommend it.
> > 
> > Did you notice that you could have said this without
> > bashing Vaj?
> > 
> > Did you notice how easily and effortlessly the "Bashing
> > Vaj" came to you, and how easily and effortlessly and...
> > dare I say it...mindlessly you performed it came to
> > you? There is a name for that: cult thinking.
> > 
> > If you had been able to tell the Jerry story without
> > the Bashing Vaj story, that would have been one thing.
> > 
> > You weren't able to. So it becomes another.
> You have a good point.  

Thanks for getting that.

> However, on the other hand, he has taken up so much 
> space on Fairfield Life for so long with disrespectful 
> deliberate misinformation that it seemed appropriate.  

Let's pause for a moment on the word "disrespectful,"
shall we? What is it about your beliefs, or the beliefs
of *anyone*, that forces others to react to them with
what *they* consider "respect?"

Vaj is over the top. I disagree with him and his views
often. The thing is, he's *OK* with that. It has never
jeapordized our relationship as fellow human beings or
as fellow seekers. I don't argue with him about the
supposed supremacy of his view over mine, or try to 
assert the supposed supremacy of my views. I just don't
give a shit about "supremacy" or any of that high school
nonsense. I just have opinions. I give Vaj the right to
have his.

That does NOT mean that I can't poke fun at them from
time to time. Similarly, I can poke fun at the beliefs
of TB TMers from time to time. This does not mean that
I have not at some point in time believed the same things.
In fact I have, although I may be embarrassed at times to
admit it. My having "been there, done that" makes my
laughter and fun-poking more 'real' IMO. YMMV.

> Perhaps I am wrong about that. You all can be the judge.

Some can't leave it at that. They have to try to "pitch
the jury," or sell their opinions to some imaginary 
"judge." Isn't it a bit higher vibe to just tell your
own fuckin' stories and believe the things that you 
believe and just Not Give A Shit what others believe?

It's the need to sell your beliefs as "correct" or 
"right" that I question, along with the seemingly 
corollary need to sell those who believe otherwise
as "wrong." Low vibe. Barely evolved past amoebas.

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