--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >
> > Most spiritual teachers do have the ability to do number two and a 
> > number here might argue they experienced number 2 or what is usually 
> > called "darshan" even with Maharishi.  The guy did have some shakti 
> > after all.  If some folks didn't experience maybe they hit him on a 
> > bad day or their nervous system was just too coarse to experience 
> > it.   
> Ignoring the obvious humor bait of the "number two" 
> references :-), I'd love to hear from those who feel
> that they experienced what I'm talking about with MMY.
> I never did. 
> The occasional light "buzz," or a feeling of upliftment
> maybe, but the full-blown experience of one of his 3
> higher states of consciousness, never. IMO, what most
> people I've talked to experience as "darshan" is an
> occult buzz, not what I'm talking about at all.

I almost always had that lightness and quieting of thoughts and a certain sense 
of the aliveness of the energy in MMY's presence.  But twice I had something 
much more,: my awareness just shifted and became infinite, there was no "I" to 
find anywhere, just infinity, and that was so powerful and stunning that I was 
not aware of much else at all for a while.  Not much thought, just a stunned 
wonder and taking it all in. Then, I as I moved around and had to interact, I 
noticed this silence and energy just everywhere and especially where I put my 
attention.  These 2 experiences lasted a a few hours each and then faded 
(during which feelings of bliss and joy were intensely everywhere). I felt 
bereft when they were done - smaller and trapped in the cycle of thoughts and 
small awareness  I believe that MMY's presence triggered them. They were of a 
completely different nature than the buzz or lightness I usually felt around 
MMY.  They were entirely different states of awareness.

I also had a few more of these more profound and intense types of experiences 
(way more than the buzz) without being in MMY"s presence, but directly after 
meditating, and once even before learning TM - at about age 18. And I think I 
had something similar at about age 4, after awakening from a nap in which I had 
dreamt that a snake was biting my left big toe!  I think energy traveled from 
there to my brain and that began some experience.  

I never heard MMY talk about his darshan or that he tried to evoke these shifts 
in SOC's with his students.  I assumed many people had this happen - one reason 
they stuck around even in the midst of the craziness. And we all assumed that 
happned all the time with those in the very inner circle like Bevan and John 
and skinboys.

> As you suggest, it could be that I just didn't groove
> with him and did with the other teachers I wrote about
> originally. Did you ever experience this (being able to
> experience a full-blown higher state of consciousness)
> while with Maharishi? With anyone else? Genuinely curious.

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