On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 10:52 AM, tartbrain <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>wrote:

> Who of us had not written that as our assessment of the Movement at this or
> that time, for this or that project.
> And there are many ways of looking at the same situation. What was "crazy"
> for one person was not crazy for another. Part of this may be due to
> different perspectives on what was happening.
> It appears many comments about "crazy days, crazy projects, strange
> behavior" is from a linear, project management sort of perspective --
> thinking if we are trying to accomplish X -- this is NOT the way to do it.
> Or, alternatively, "why the hell are we doing project X". There are other
> perspectives. Some may be closer to what MMY was actually doing.
> I'll state a perspective, not THE perspective, simply -- without the
> nuances. The World Plan, Heaven on Earth, MIU, big projects, unconventional
> behavior, etc were not about such initiatives. They were simply tools for
> MMY to help us break our boundaries.
> Do you think conventional projects, plans and implementation are going to
> break boundaries? No, they generally confirm the status quo. On the other
> hand, crazy, outlandish, odd, squirmish projects were just that because we
> had inner attachments, ego issues, projections, assumptions about how things
> should be and what is normal, etc. Huge and or crazy projects, often both
> were a set of tools that MMY used to break these internal boundaries.
> The outer fruits of the actions were up to nature -- and not the focus.
> OH MY GOD!  So that's what it was!  I've been searching all these years for
just this answer.  .  My life is now complete.  Thank you, Tart.

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