--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "danfriedman2002" <danfriedman2002@...> 
> Are these tricks commonplace on FFL? Just need to know what I'm getting in to.
> Alternatively, are these accusations commonplace on FFL. Just need to know 
> what I'm getting in to.
> A Reader beware posting might help clarify.

Yes, these tricks are very commonplace. An easy rule of thumb or "Cliff Notes" 
to sort out the Dramatis Personae might be, "Whatever and whoever I encounter 
on FFL* -- that too is essentially Only Me, as it arises out of and is made of 
nothing but a perturbation of My own awareness..." 

*or anywhere else, for that matter

(And for Curtis, Turq et al., that's *pertur-*, though verily many a  *Master* 
has also baited or been baited by his- or her own reflection,  before 
remembering that it is all, after all, only the Self playing with itSelf.)

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