Actually, Bob, I was mistaken.  It's not
000000000000000000.1%, it's 00000000000000000.1%.
(there is one less zero now).  Mea culpa and all that.

Also, you can never have too much Leonard Cohen in your day.


On Jun 28, 2011, at 12:04 PM, Bob Price wrote:

My god Sal, am I so out of date? It was 1% when I left in 76 and now you tell 
me they've gotten it all the way down to 1/10 of 1%. Holy Jamoli. Well, that's 
just another hundred or two million for us. I was thinking left as juxtaposed 
to right and behind juxtaposed to front. To use another of these pesky quotes, 
"Follow me the wise man said, but he walked behind".-Leonard Cohen.

From: Sal Sunshine <>
Sent: Tue, June 28, 2011 9:54:13 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of 

On Jun 28, 2011, at 11:08 AM, Bob Price wrote:

> Sal,
> My only recent disappointment, with this thread, has been your absence.

Bob, I knew that.  Which is why I decided to step back in,
and not deny anyone the benefit of my posts any longer.
Don't thank me, it's nothing.

> I'm now, with your help, nearing fulfilment although I'm going to resist any 
> sense of oneness with anyone cause frankly, I just don't have time to respond 
> to all the posts those feelings might create.

Me neither, considering my huge following on FFL.

> I may be be sticking my neck out here, we're still in negotiations on his 
> final package, book rights could be an issue, but I think I speak for MZ when 
> I say anyone with as developed a sense of humour as you is welcome on the 
> "World Tour". You can consider the chopper a done deal although we will have 
> to speak about the tarot cards, don't forget we're going main stream here. 
> Our demographic is the 99.9999999999999999 (you know what I mean) % the TMO 
> has left behind.

Left Behind??  Uh, oh...
But really, I thought that 000000000000000000.1% is all we needed.
Were we misled?

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