On Jul 6, 2011, at 4:13 AM, Robert wrote:

I wonder why no one was ever charged in this crime...?
Who was the foriegnor in India, in 1991?
Anyone want to make a guess?

I believe initially it was suspected by the paranoid Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, that he was poisoned or perhaps it was his own guilty conscience peeking though?

In any event, I believe it ended up to be an attack of pancreatitis, probably due to his long-term addiction to sweets. His imperfect health would probably have been helped if he could have eaten a steak or so a week, or just some burgers (Vedic meatloaf?). But it looks like his imbalanced and wealthy lifestyle had him anemic and weak.

One often hears of such anemic figures in TM circles. So it appears he's passed on this legacy of Imperfect Health.

This would explain why Maharishi retreated to Holland for all of the rest of his years... And also why he disliked the USA and Britain, politiically in his later years...

It's my understanding he was considered a fugitive in many countries.

This would also explain, his forming of the World Government, as he felt that the CIA was trying to infultrate the movement for years before that...

As innocent as he was, I think he was shocked that someone would attempt to kiss him, and probably an agent of a government, who may have felt threatened by someone bringing peace to the world...

He always did dislike the Bush's to put it mildly...

and of course, Bush's poodle, Tony Blair...

this whole incident would explain a lot, in that Maharishi would not have been the same person after a trauma like this one..

He was the creator of his own demise.

Certainly he was greatly hated and distrusted in India, that's why he had to escape or perhaps die. But then again, according to insiders, the Maharishi was extremely paranoid (so much so he had wiring torn out of his Holland mansion's walls!), so I suspect his own mental paranoia is what lead to his flight.

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