--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau <m@...> wrote:
> Very few people knew about this till now, almost none of the Rajas.  Yet 
> again, I'm hoping that some of you here who may be in contact with 
> appropriate people might forward my original email to them.  Perhaps that 
> won't work so well for this group...  And I know there certainly aren't a ton 
> of sandals out there.  If I am right, there is the pair that I have from the 
> time M left India or, at the most, one other pair from the 50s to the 70s 
> that and then the two pair that I ordered for him that his family may have.  
> And, perhaps, he only ended up using one of those two pair consistently.  The 
> sandals are well made and, I'm sure, last many years.

Did you see my post ?  Don't sell them for under 1 mill$, 5 is better. There 
are people out there with so much money 5 mill is peanuts.

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