
You're correct, I just didn't want to go on memory regarding
any particular thing Mark said. I watched the film late at 
night, it's in german, and I was not focused only on what 
Mark said. If I knew this issue regarding the sandals was going
to come up today I would have paid more attention. Fortunately
in his response, Mark does talk about some of the things he
said, albeit with a different slant than what comes out in the 
film. If you read Mark's post it's clear that unlike your 
impression that Mark never said anything bad about Maharishi,
that in the film several negative things are said. Granted
Mark's point about a paradox requires some positive points be
made. Anyone who views the film will not debate how Maharishi
was portrayed by Mark. There seems to be a tendency for people 
on here to make complicated and pick apart something that
was intended to be simple. In this case, simply.....

     1. Mark said very negative things about Maharishi.
     2. Mark claims that the sandals worn by Maharishi 
        have a magical quality. (IMO to enhance their marketability.)
     3. Paradox aside, appeared contradictory.

To speak ill of someone then to turn around and try to profit
from the man's sandals is unsettling at best. Money often causes
one to compromise principles. I think that may be the case here.

If the shoe (sandal) fits.......

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@...> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
> On Behalf Of tedadams108
> Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 10:11 AM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Sandals
> I do have compassion for Mark or anyone in financial difficulties.
> I have been observing the comments on Fairfield Life for many 
> years but until today was not inspired to post one of my own.
> For some reason it was hard for me to resist pointing out the
> hypocrisy since I had just seen the film. Perhaps I was a little
> "colorful" with my words, but they pale in comparison to the words
> used in the interview. Obviously there are people on here that
> fit either into the pro-TM camp or the anti-TM camp. I apparently hit 
> a nerve. I'm not taking sides here, just pointing out the facts
> and people can spin them the way they want. Interestingly, those
> who have an issue with my post are not addressing it's main point,
> rather my mention of being compassionate or acknowledging that 
> many have enjoyed financial success and have attributed it to their
> TM practice. The main point is not debatable.
> The main reason it's not debatable is that you don't trust your memory well
> enough to tell us what Mark said, so we can't very well debate something we
> know nothing about.

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