You are so full of shit Vaj. You sound like a wimpy little kid who can't play 
with the big kids, and so makes up all kinds of stories to his mom. You 
supposedly follow Buddhist thought, but you come across as the most 
superficial, frustrated fundamentalist Christian. 

You remain terrified of sidhis and other elements of life that you clearly 
don't understand and have never integrated, preferring instead to interpret 
scripture to serve your stunted understanding and support your deepest fears. 

What Ramakrishna is clearly talking about is getting wrapped up in the sidhis, 
much as you get wrapped up in your psuedo-intellectual rolls of toilet papered 
though. Anything is an impediment to liberation when treated this way, and 
prevents us from directly apprehending Brahman. You are like blind beggar 
hollering that sight is bad.

You oughta remember what the Middle Way is, and stop crowing like the bird 
brain you have become. 

--- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Jul 26, 2011, at 1:10 AM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius wrote:
> > Shri Ramakrishna has stated that a man cannot realise God if he  
> > possesses even one of the eight occult powers. He quoted Lord  
> > Krishna teaching Arjuna "Friend, if you want to realise Me, you  
> > will not succeed if you have even one of the eight occult powers.  
> > This is the truth. Occult power is sure to beget pride and pride  
> > makes one forget God."
> And maketh thee post endlessly to internet chat groups: ah, the  
> bliss, my yogic 'flying", my channeling.
> There's actually a diversion that takes place at the subtle level  
> that damns sidhi practitioners from enlightenment for many lifetimes.  
> It sets them on a downward course that will takes lifetimes to  
> recover from IME. In that sense, the domes are like gateways to hell,  
> like something out of an H.R. Giger film. When I took an extremely  
> psychic friend along to South Fallsburg, she was afraid to leave the  
> car when she saw what psychic vampirism had done to the Purushas. She  
> said their energetic systems resembled people in advanced stages of  
> cancer or some fatal disease.

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