On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 9:40 AM, raunchydog <raunchy...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> We don't need a 3rd party.  We need to primary Obama with a Democrat who will 
> stand up and say Obama doesn't represent the party of FDR, he represents the 
> blood suckers on Wall Street. Bernie Sanders agrees we should primary Obama 
> hoping it would push Obama further to the left. It's not going to happen. 
> Obama has a lock on plenty of money for a campaign that would (if 2008 is any 
> lesson) trash the reputation of the challenger, have the DNC cheat for him 
> and play the race card for good measure. Obama is on the right, has always 
> been on the right and will stay on the right regardless of a primary.
> The debt ceiling debate is just kabuki to make the rubes believe that the 
> only choice, Flimflam Man has to save the county from defaulting on its debt 
> is sacrifice Social Security and Medicare when in truth that is exactly what 
> Obama was hired to do.
> If Obama were a Democrat, he would have stopped all the Republican crazy talk 
> about the debt ceiling by simply saying he would invoke the 14th Amendment. 
> Bill Clinton said he would invoke the constitutional option to raise the debt 
> ceiling "without hesitation, and force the courts to stop me" in order to 
> prevent a default. Now, there's a president with some balls.
> http://fdlaction.firedoglake.com/2011/07/19/bill-clinton-says-he-would-use-the-14th-amendment/
> For the past few weeks, Obama has shown no interest in involving Democrats in 
> "negotiating" with Boehner, Cantor or McConnell because he couldn't have 
> gotten away with unilaterally offering up programs to help the poor and 
> women. Obama has continually lied about the strength and solvency of the 
> social safety net and now he has accomplished what George W. Bush and every 
> Republican before him could only dream of doing, destroy FDR's New Deal.

What is going on here?   I've been complaining about a lack of follow
through, a lack of leadership.    Yes, we're going to close GITMO,
yes, gays in the military and so on yet when in office it's OK, at
least two full scale wars are great, and we'll involve ourselves in
civil wars as we do in Libya.  It's Pax Americana all over again.   We
can't cut defense spending because when Obama became president he was
born again and saw how important being involved in everybody else's
life is good.   Then there's the gay thing.   Another president who
cared would have used his powers as Commander in Chief.  Another
president would have said yes, I've got a duty to uphold the way, but
I'm going to shirk my duty and tell Justice to lay off the DOM law.
I've wondered where the leadership's been.  Why not stand up against
the Repubs.  FDR did, LBJ did, Bill Clinton acted presidential.  I'm
starting to agree with you, RD.  It's looking like we have a president
with an agenda here and he hides his agenda in not being a leader.
Don't be a leader, be ineffectual when you need to make it look like
you're being forced into watered down health reform, cutting down on
social security, medicare and medicaid.  Don't question why we need to
spend so much money elsewhere, like bombing Libya.  It doesn't matter
that 1/5th of men aren't working, that there's so much unemployment
and under employment because that keeps wages down.  What matters is
that companies are profiting big time without having to hire.  What's
good for Wall Street is good for America.   I've wondered why, since
election day, I've cringed every time Obama gives a speech.  I can't
stand to hear the man because the bullshit detector keeps going off.

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