Obama could save the day by invoking the 14th Amendment and shaming the Tea 
Party crazies for trying to burn down the house. It could be his ticket to 
victory in 2012, but will he do it? If he doesn't, Obama will be a one-term 
president.  His base of loyal lefties is gone, the Tea Party wants his head, 
and the independents aren't impressed with his efforts to give away the farm. 

The manufactured debt ceiling crisis, the self-inflicted wound that has 
everyone disgusted with both parties, has made us ripe for the pickings by a 
stealth third party candidate that will be Obama's and our undoing. It won't be 
a Tea Party crazy. That would be too obvious. They need someone sneaky. It will 
be...drum roll please...an Ayn Rand, 3rd Reichian, uber-libertarian funded by 
Americans Elect, the spawn of Flat Earther, Thomas Friedman and the CATO 
institute. Their candidate will pose as a squeaky-clean man/woman of the 
people, a populist Bull Moose, Teddy Roosevelt type. Beware of any third party 
candidate faintly tainted by their stench. When I see a media promotion 
sponsored by Shell Oil like this: 


I smell oil-billionaire-Koch-brother money priming the propaganda pump to make 
us believe "anyone but a Republican or Democrat" will magically fix the way 
Washington works. Sound familiar?

Americans Elect seemingly comes from nowhere during an economic crisis. How did 
that happen? They are simply taking advantage of the disaster capitalism Naomi 
Klein warned us of in Shock Doctrine and they don't even have a candidate. They 
don't need one. They have cleverly hatched a plan to ask voters to nominate a 
candidate on the Internet. They promise the winner will be on the 2012 ballot 
in every state. Wow! Imagine the power every rube in the county will feel being 
involved in the nomination process instead of stuck with party picks. Americans 
Elect will give voters the illusion that they are picking a candidate when in 
fact it's a scam to solicit money for their Libertarian Super Pac so they can 
pick and promote whomever they damn well please. These jokers don't care about 
democracy. They care about bleeding the poor.

Reagan was a big fan of Ayn Rand, which is why "trickle down" turned out to be 
an Orwellian "trickle up" from the have-nots to the haves. Libertarians cherish 
the vision of Ayn Rand world where, "One puts oneself above all and crushes 
everything in one's way to get the best for oneself." They hate government 
regulation. They hate anything owned by the public...school, water, roads, 
energy. They hate government, especially government work programs to fix roads 
and bridges.  Why raise taxes to fix anything when you can let it all go to 
hell, privatize the commons the sell it off to corporate globalists who pay 
slave wages?  Libertarians are so fucking worried that grandma might have huge 
medical expenses; they rather cut off her Medicare than pay one dime more in 
higher taxes. Libertarians are evil, greedy bastards to the core. 

Real Democrats know in their bones that tax cuts only make the rich richer.  
Real Democrats know people need money in their pockets to drive the engine of 
economy. Real Democrats would fix our crumbling infrastructure and put people 
back to work as FDR did in the 1930's. That's how we got out of the Depression 
then and that's how we'll get out of hard times now. Real Democrats...I only 

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