--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <no_reply@...> wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRtQa9EE0xI

Meh. As far as I'm concerned, these mobile OSs are stripped down crippleware 
designed to run on limited, minimalist hardware. Which is fine for mobile 
phones. I *love* that I can do a Google search on my phone from almost anywhere 
I'm likely to be, but that does NOT mean my phone is my preferred way of doing 
Google searches. Take the screen up to tablet size, though, and I don't want 
the limitations of a stripped down phone OS. 

Right now, I'm using all the mainstream OSs: Android phone, iPad 2 and iPod 
Touch, MacBook and iMac, Windows 7 on my desktop PC and the old Dell laptop 
that runs the post count script, and Windows XP on the kitchen laptop that sits 
there running Winamp for streaming music. Of all of those, iOS is my least 
favorite. At least with Android, there's a menu button to give access to extra 
functions. A lot of times with the iPad, I look for what to me should be an 
available function, and it's all, "Extra functions? You don't need no steenking 
extra functions!" 

My attitude about tablets has gone from thinking my next one will run Android 
to unless it's got a full, proper OS, there won't be a next tablet.

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