yea,...but then one might have to clarify, wrt "MMY's teachings", perhaps with 
a flow chart:

a. There is value (for somebody) in learning about MMY's teachings.
b. Learning about MMY's teachings will make people happy
c. They will become happy because 1. their minds are filled with wisdom 2. 
their minds become empty and this leads to happiness and bliss 3. the knowledge 
is useful in that others will covet it, praising "the one who knows".
d. MMY's teachings can be helpful in getting people out of a bind.
e. MMY's teachings are helpful in making stock choices.
f. MMY's teachings are more valuable than those of Chairman Mao AND the Dalai 
g. The value of MMY's teachings can be verified with an e-meter
...and so on;...(the benefits of MMY's teachings are indeed virtually 

--- In, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > --- In, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
> > 
> > > The Turqo critizised Judy for not knowing what she was talking about 
> > > because she never met Maharishi. Now Curtis tries the same trick. Same 
> > > old trick.
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > Big difference Nabbie.   Ravi never studied his teaching either.
> Either ? In my opinion Judy has a more thorough grip on Maharishi's teaching 
> than the majority on this forum, both experimental and theorethical.
>   But he is mounting an attack on my opinion of him.  
> Who can blame him ? You sometimes write total nonsense here.
> On what basis do you think he has if he is unfamiliar with the person and his 
> teaching?
> I don't think Ravi is unfamiliar with Maharishi's teaching.
> But according to you he can have no opinion since he did not study with 
> Maharishi personally. I've said it before; you definately need a checking.

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