So where's the stuff about the Sunnis and the Shiites?  Fact is like 
about all other religions about 85% of Muslims play lip service to 
Islam.  There are plenty up "jack Muslims" who haven't bowed to Mecca in 
years.  I know one woman, born into a Muslim family, who could not tell 
you anything about it because her family never practiced it.  She was 
more interested in Hindu traditions, ayurveda and yoga.

Sometimes I wonder if you really know what you're talking about or just 
like to sling terms around as your do with tantra hoping to impress 
folks on FFL, Willy 2.

You'll feel much better after a stay in one of our re-education centers. 

On 09/15/2011 03:17 PM, emptybill wrote:
> This is just your usual Marxist b.s.
> Muslims hate us because we are kaffaar, plural of kaafir (non-believer).
> By definition all of us are inhabitants of Dar al-Harb, the territory or
> abode of jihad.
> There are only two territories in Islam - Dar al-Islam (region of Islam)
> and Dar al-Harb (region outside of Islam). There are only two kinds of
> people in Islam, muslims and kaffaar.
> The muslim imperative is to convert Dar al-Harb into Dar al-Islam and
> all kaffaar into muslims. The means of conversation is persuasion by
> proselytization or elimination of kaffaar by death.
> Noam Chomsky would love this kind of power.
> ........................................................................\
> .......
> --- In, Bhairitu<noozguru@...>  wrote:
>> On 09/15/2011 01:12 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
>>> The subject line actually comes from Huffington Post, and links to
> this
>>> article in Wired:
>>> <>
>>> FBI Teaches Agents: `Mainstream' Muslims Are `Violent,
>>> Radical'
>>> The FBI is teaching its counterterrorism agents that "main
>>> stream" [sic] American Muslims are likely to be terrorist
>>> sympathizers; that the Prophet Mohammed was a "cult leader";
>>> and that the Islamic practice of giving charity is no more than a
>>> "funding mechanism for combat."
>> <snip>
>> The main reason the US seems to be at war with Muslims is because the
>> banksters, who own Amerika, don't like Islam because it is against
>> usury. Hence the banksters can't make any money off them. So you see,
>> it is ALL about money.

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