--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Thanks for the tip. That's really neat. I think I
> clicked on Tatyana's link twice, because she looks
> remarkably like a former girlfriend of mine. Sigh,
> for both.  :-)

This poor biddy - focuses her entire life on her art,
on playing angelic music on a difficult instrument, and
all you can think about is... well, never mind.

On the subject of reviews, I'm eagerly waiting the FFL
reviewers' take on "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" (or
did I blink and miss it?). I absolutely loved the 
original TV version with Alec Guinness as George Smiley,
and Ian Richardson as Bill Hayden. My expectation is
that this can only disappoint by comparison. But I do
so hope to be proven wrong.

Next up - a remake of my other TV fave "I Claudius"?

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