Tom Pall wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 11:50 AM, obbajeeba <>wrote:
>> You mean blowing or waving out the flame on the end of the stick of
>> incense, right?  lol
>> I do either, and waving it around can send the ember lose and burning a
>> hole onto whereever it is flung. lol
> OK, how many here don't sniff the flowers because the fragrance is meant for
> Maharishi or Guru Dev or the Holy Tradition?
> How many bought a brand new handkerchief for each initiation and were very
> careful not to just stick the thing in their pocket to use as a snot rag
> afterwards?
I, for one have always made those observances you seem to denigrate.
And you forgot about the quaint practice of disposing of everything 
afterward in a natural body of water.  I've always done that as well- 
white cloth, coconut shell, teeeeeny bits of incense stick, the whole 
nine yards. And if I could get a line on betel leaves, they'd be there, 

And I do not account myself the least bit woo-woo for the effort. 
Rather, I find it satisfying to bring puja to its proper conclusion; a 
promise made and kept.  I also admit to being puzzled by the notion that 
there are those who consider a body of knowledge sufficiently valuable 
to warrant their going through considerable efforts to be able to learn
it, while at the same time valuing it little enough to disparage 
innocent paspects of it.  Just my two cents' worth.  Back to lurking.

P Duff

Dirt kicked to the curb goes into the gutter.
Professionals kicked to the curb go into retail.

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