Tom Pall wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 9:02 PM, P Duff
> <>wrote:
>> Tom Pall wrote:
> P Duff of the lesser Boston area?   The for a time a contributor to
> alt.meditation.transcendental?   You're alive and kicking?   Wonderful?
> How's life been?  You been part of this group all along and I just noticed
> you or you just revealed yourself?
> I wasn't an initiator, I was just pussy whipped by a bunch of them so I
> didn't get involved in dumping what was left over from the Puja off the
> Tallahatchie River bridge.   BTW, I took a special detour on my way to Queen
> City from Austin to visit that very bridge.   Nothing to write home about.
> Glad to see ya back, boy!
Lessee... I'm still of lesser Bahston, and still alive and doing well. I
recently married a woman truly deserving of worship and that's 'zactly
what I do, loving every moment of my life w/ her. My daughter has grown
into a full-blown matriculator in a NJ college, where she's majoring in
indolence. Not much else going on I can think of offhand.

I had joined FFL, oh, a couple months ago I guess, but have had little
to say. I saw your post and the "widow's mite" in me caused me to 
contribute. (BTW, my reply to your post was not directed toward you, 
although it might have seemed that way. )

I had, as you pointed out, posted a bit in a.m.t. a few years ago but I
had since fallen off the wagon. I miss those days. It was a good day 
when Andrew Skolnick would delve deeply into his innermost landspoil and 
therefrom thrust up craven images for the other naysayers to worship, 
and that's when the good times began to roll. Gawd, there's little 
better than free home delivery of Whack-a-Mole. But that was then and 
this is now, Harlem not being Harlem no mo'. FFL is a place different by 
far from what I had known. There are so many posts daily and most of the 
folks are erudite far beyond my ken. Then there are those who are so 
full of shit their eyes are brown. But I don't even have the time it 
takes to ignore them. Their posts pass by unnoticed, not unlike effluent 
from a sewage treatment plant.

Re: pussy whipped, it's an intriguing notion and I shall make polite
inquiry of my loving and adventuresome wife, who will likely... oh, 
wait, you probably meant something different from that. 
Sorrysorrysorry.  In the more conventional sense of "pussy whipped" it 
is worth pointing out that there are not so much victims as there are 
volunteers. You might think that a pussy whipping would happen at the 
hands of your betters. But in reality it's more likely to be at the 
hands of those who can only think themselves your betters.  Those few 
who are truly your betters will have more productive ways in which to 
use their time, pussy whipping generally being stock-in-trade for the 
insecure. Require folks to prove themselves to be honestly superior, 
which, in your case presents a forlorn prospect, and your whippings will 
go down as their chagrin goes up.  I'm telling you, calling people on 
their shit w/ the delicacy of an alligator biting into a Hollywood bed 
is the best thing since Netflix.

P Duff

Dirt kicked to the curb goes into the gutter.
Professionals kicked to the curb go into retail.

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