OK, I do have to intervene at this point to deal with
some comments made about me.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> Still, what you insist is the case with Judy, that does seem 
> interesting to me. Even as your friend Barry insults her in the 
> bitterest and most scathing (and, I believe prejudiced and 
> unwarranted) ways. Me, if I have a friendship with someone and
> I notice they are being unfair and hateful—and usually
> ridiculous—in their behaviour towards someone else (who I hold
> in very different terms), then I feel forced to say something
> to my friend [Barry]. 
> ME:Hang around a bit and you will see why I feel that it is
> not so lopsided.  This is an actual feud and neither side is 
> blameless.

Curtis has said many times that he doesn't read my
exchanges with Barry. That's OK, but on that basis
he is not in a position to remark on the balance of

I don't claim to be "blameless," but I utterly reject
the notion that blame in the Barry-Judy situation is
anything but *hugely* lopsided.

Just for one thing, if one were to read my posts that
comment on Barry's, one would find that a significant
number of them--I'd guess at least 50 percent--are not
simply insults; quite a few are not insulting at all.
Rather, they involve reasoned, noninflammatory analysis
of points that Barry has made.

That is never the case with Barry's posts that have
to do with me.

There are other lopsided elements as well. I don't
*make up* stuff about Barry, for instance.

> R: But you won't do this, Curtis, because of the fragility
> of his psyche—*in relation to yourself*. He approves of, he
> depends upon, yourself. Were you to speak directly and
> candidly to him, you would shatter him. This is the only
> reason you don't speak up on Judy's behalf.
> ME: No its not.  It is because Judy made her own bed with
> him.  There were other choices.

Sure. I could have ignored him completely, I could have
spoken sweetly to him when he attacked me, were I a saint.
But I don't pretend to be a saint.

Curtis doesn't stand up for the people Barry attacks
because if he did, Barry would put Curtis on his shit
list, and Curtis doesn't want to be on *anybody's* shit
list if he can possibly help it.

But it would be very interesting to see what bed Curtis
would make with Barry were he to land on Barry's shit
list and be subject to the same treatment Barry gives to
the others on that list. Curtis might not be quite so
sanguine about the availability of "other choices."

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