--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wgm4u" <anitaoaks4u@...> wrote:
> I think we're finally beginning to get the picture, these same
> folks voted for Obama so they can't protest against him.

Obviously they can and do. What do you think the effigy is
all about?

> Additionally he is subtly supporting them, costing local
> governments millions of dollars, merely for his political
> advantage.

Some believe he's playing both ends against the middle,
supporting Wall Street with his policies to ensure a
supply of campaign funds while supporting the protesters
to gain votes.

> Obama has shown absolutely NO leadership on this issue and
> it's going to come tumbling down around him sooner or later,
> and rightly so!

Not likely to prevent his reelection, given the appallingly
poor quality of the Republican candidates.

> http://news.yahoo.com/photos/giant-effigy-u-president-obama-held-people-affiliated-photo-212714601.html

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