Have you seen "Limitless" yet?

Great theme, esp. for meditators hip to the idea of developing the unlimited potential of consciousness and the brain.

In Limitless the star gets dumped by his girlfriend. He's a writer with a contract, but also with a bad case of writer's block. He run's into his ex-wife's brother and he claims he has a new pill, a still unreleased nootropic drug that has the ability for humans to access 100% of the brain's power, as opposed to the "normal" max of 20%. So he decides to try it.

Well the drug immediately begins giving abilities like infinite correlation between everything he's ever experienced and present experience. Perfect recall, perfect concentration, perfect photographic memory. For example, he sees the corner of a book's spine and is able to recollect a person he knew, with the same book, and that she was a law student and the full title, and thus is able to infer that she's a law student. One listen to a foreign language CD and he is fluent in that language, and on and on.

I suspect they'll be a sequel to this one.

On Dec 8, 2011, at 11:54 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

Not due out until 2012, "The Cabin In The Woods"
kinda tops my list. The IMDB describes its plot
as "Five friends go to a remote cabin in the woods.
Bad things happen." The tagline for the film is
"If you hear a strange sound outside... have sex."
Written and produced by Joss Whedon. Instant classic.

Then there is "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter."
The title says it all.

"The Raven," with Edgar Allen Poe trying to solve
crimes based on his stories.

A Francis Ford Coppola movie that I'll probably see
even though it's got Val Kilmer in it.

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