1. You never seek to address the essence of what someone says in a given post. 

2. You selectively chose segments from a post which you choose to comment on, 
and those segments usually do not bear upon the fundamental point or theme of 
the post. You ignore the most important ideas of a given post. You are only 
interested in using certain aspects of the post to serve your own strange and 
essentially negative agenda.

3. You have no motivation that is based upon wanting learn something at FFL, or 
to clarify some idea, or to argue with some expectation of resolving an issue.

4. You have no feel for the truth of anything you say; you are not governed by 
fact or honesty in your posts.

5. You are an archivist who then appropriates the material and information you 
collect into the claim that you have lived out these experiences. This is 
classic fantasizing.

6. You don't know how to proceed such as to fulfill your own agenda, because 
you are essentially a confused and disoriented person when it comes to knowing 
what you are up to when you post at FFL.

7. You don't know where you are at any moment in your interaction with various 
persons here at FFL. There is no intellectual or moral or even psychological 
coherence in what you write such that the reader can estimate where you are 
going with your posts. You don't know what you are doing at FFL, Vaj: FFL is 
like some kind of dream you are having and inside that dream you are behaving 

8. "Who the hell is Tim Tebow?"—direct quote from Vaj two weeks ago. Now it's: 
"I knew who he was; I just wasn't that interested". Do you ever admit to 
yourself, not to say others, when you deliberately make what is unreal for you 
into something that then becomes part of your personal history, as if you have 
passed through the experience; meanwhile what you say you have lived through 
remains separate from you entirely. It is never something that is inside of you?

9. You are in some kind of disassociated state, Vaj: because you don't ever 
connect the dots. You don't know where you are going; you don't know what you 
are doing; you have no contact with reality. You are in a very bad state indeed.

10. You lie—and evidently it has reached the point where even you don't know 
the difference between saying something that is not true and saying something 
that is true. The line between what is a lie and what is the truth has become 
so blurred that you don't even know what it is like to know that something 
really happened to you as opposed to something that never happened to you.

11. You have no idea of the common denominator of experience of most everyone 
on this forum.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Dec 17, 2011, at 3:01 PM, maskedzebra wrote:
> > One thing (you wouldn't know about this personally) about TM and Maharishi: 
> > it makes you contemptuous and patronizing when it comes to discussing 
> > Christianity.
> Well, unfortunately for you, you've probably lost the best conduit to speak 
> deeply re: Christianity & TM in the person of Rev. Curtis D. Blues - as he's 
> the person on this list who spent the most time and attention (that I'm aware 
> of) getting to know the Catholic priest-meditators-as-TMers - the biggies 
> (most if not all whom saw through the veneer of the Faux Holey Tradition and 
> parted ways with TM). I think those who drank deeply of a mystical 
> Christianity broke easily with the sandy ground of TM, based on the rock of 
> their Christ-consciousness. Those with a more superficial Christian 
> sand-consciousness are doomed to the purgatory of up-bubbling mantra till 
> they part their mortal frame…
> At one time Christian Centering Prayer actually resembled TM, although now, 
> not at all. I attribute that change to the Catholic contemplative break with 
> TM-as-perrenialist-panacea … and Thomas Keating.
> > But I think the real giveaway about the East is its implicit sense of 
> > superiority over Catholicism, when in fact this very posture is itself 
> > evidence of something ultimately not in agreement with reality.
> Depends on the POV - the "east" is not one homogeneous whole - it's many 
> Points of View, sometimes not merely differing paths on the same mountain 
> (the Perennialists view), but more frequently different mountains altogether.
> > 
> > You never knew who Tim Tebow was a few weeks ago. I am glad you are now 
> > fully au courant.
> On reflection, I had heard of him, I just had little interest. For me, 
> commercial sports is the primary mechanism for embruing the acceptability of 
> endless war on our children.
> > 
> > But you are right: I will be ambivalent tomorrow; I like the Tebow miracle 
> > storyline, but I also love those Bill Belichick-coached Patriots. Tom Brady 
> > and Sidney Crosby and Roger Federer and Jonny Wilkenson are my favourite 
> > athletes.
> > 
> > But I do like Tim Tebow very much: if only for his impressive humility.
> Indeed, a wonderful human quality so lacking in Christofascism; but I do not 
> know enough of Mr. Tebow to comment on his humility. I believe it was you who 
> once said the sole redeeming quality of mundane Christianity was to keep a 
> person clean till their next life (after which time they'd presumably take up 
> a higher path).

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