On Dec 19, 2011, at 9:02 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

But for real drama (as opposed to the faux kind), my
kudos go to "Dexter" and "Homeland" for the season
finales of the year. Dexter ended with *exactly* the
scene I thought it would, but it took its time getting
there, while filling in the proper emotional content
to give it the big payoff it deserved. Good performances
from Michael C. Hall (as always) and Jennifer Carpenter
(ditto), plus a surprisingly good performance by Colin
Hanks. Not nearly up to the standard set in season four,
but good, and a perfect setup for what I hear will be
Dex's last season next year.

While I still enjoy Dexter, I was disappointed by the Revelation-End Times theme. Although it may appeal to the Christian horde, it's been endlessly used in the cinema (my fave being Stigmata, which features my favorite biblical text).

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