--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > Vaj seems to feel he needs to not just bring Robin down
> > but grind him into the dirt, destroy him as a human being.
> >
> Well Judy, doesn't Robin equivicate?  First he says bring on the
> video, then he says, to post it privately.  Which is it?

I think it's called "On second thought..." I'm not sure
"equivocate" is the word you want here. And why Robin 
changing his mind should inspire Vaj to want to destroy
him, I haven't the foggiest.

> Do you really think the people in the video are going to be
> damaged by its release?  I'm asking.  I don't know.  Likely
> it will be a  splash for a moment and then fade.  I say let's
> see it.  Let's draw our own conclusions.

I'm inclined to trust Robin's judgment on this. Who the
hell knows what it's all about? Let Vaj and Robin hash
it out. I ain't gonna get in the middle of it.

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