No equivocation at all, Steve. Your nun story breaks down in this response. Vaj 
has no such video. What is equivocal about having Vajj share this evidence with 
someone like Curtis—or Rick Archer? The point is not to see the video; the 
point is to confirm that Robin struck some participant at one of his seminars, 
something I did not do. You don't understand context, Steve, or you would never 
accuse me of equivocating. You are literalizing me out of the honesty of my 
response to Vaj. I appreciate the nun story, but here you are a victim of 
something unconsciously mischievous. I am a straight shooter, Steve: you have 
no idea what happened in those ten years [when I was enlightened]. Do you not 
think it significant that not one person who experienced the power of the 
context of one of those seminars has ever come onto FFL to give their own 
testimony about this? Let that tell you how intense and complex the reality 
was. You have a tendency, Steve, to make superficial what is something deep, 
and something that asks something more from you than you are willing to give. 
Read my responses to Curtis and Vaj and tell me whether I am someone who 
equivocates. This is a misreading of me, Steve, and a serious one at that. I do 
not equivocate; I will not equivocate. You have to let reality have some say in 
your understanding of something, Steve. Think of how happy you were when Curtis 
first turned back my post to him: "You scored, dude. You scored!" And then 
consider how you felt upon reading my final five-part response to Curtis. You 
liked, you were predisposed to like, Curtis initial post, but you hated my own 
post, even though you would never post something negative about it. Because you 
couldn't. But this is uncontrollable prejudice in you: you would much rather I 
had never responded to Curtis. You have a problem with me, Steve; I am asking 
more of you than you wish to give of yourself.

There is no video, by the way, of me striking someone in a seminar.

But for you re: Robin and Vaj, it all comes down to finding something about 
Robin which would disqualify him from criticizing Vaj, and by golly, you are 
going to do your darndest to smoke this out. You get me wrong, Steve.

Neil Young was great.

--- In, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > Vaj seems to feel he needs to not just bring Robin down
> > but grind him into the dirt, destroy him as a human being.
> >
> Well Judy, doesn't Robin equivicate?  First he says bring on the video,
> then he says, to post it privately.  Which is it?
> Do you really think the people in the video are going to be damaged by
> its release?  I'm asking.  I don't know.  Likely it will be a  splash
> for a moment and then fade.  I say let's see it.  Let's draw our own
> conclusions.

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