From: []
On Behalf Of marekreavis
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 10:53 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: On the New York subway at Christmas



Great story.

John Carroll, a regular columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, has a
Christmas season tradition where he encourages everyone to go to their ATM
and draw out as much cash as they think that they can afford, and then take
that out to the streets and distribute as many $20 bills to the homeless and
street beggars as they have twenties to give. No questions or conditions,
just pure cash and for someone living on the streets (or just spending their
days there) a twenty dollar bill is a big boost.

Maybe you can't do twenties, maybe the same routine with tens or fives would
be more suitable to your situation, but it's still a big chunk of kindness
for the receivers.

Your story from "Metropolitan Diaries" reminded me of that tradition, thanks
for that.

I sent this story out to my list and got feedback from one guy that he would
never give cash, as it would soon be converted into drugs or alcohol. He'd
rather give a coat, etc.


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