Great idea, but way too logical and alarmingly measurable.  Hopefully, the 
folks from the inner circle who scan these posts will hear of this.

Here's another idea - open up a separate place in Ffld to do Program (Probation 
Hall) for all those banned people who would really like to meditate in the 
Domes.   Let them meditate and contribute to world peace etc, but without 
contaminating the people in the regular Domes.  And if you attend Probation 
Hall programs regularly, swear to your purity, OR make a large donation, you 
can absolve your sins and work your way into the big Domes.  Problem solved.

I do see from Buck's point of view how frustrating this whole situation is. 
There is no way to get forgiveness on this issue.

--- In, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
<anartaxius@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> > Is a shame to see the Invincible courses come towards an end because the TM 
> > Rajas could not get effective numbers of meditators together.
> Rather than a shame, it seems more like stupidity. Why do they not, on their 
> own, have a yagya performed to get more people into the domes? this would be 
> a loose test of the effectiveness of yagyas, and if effective, it would solve 
> their own difficulty with assembling their own technology, bringing the 
> numbers up to snuff. Then, according to the theory, it should no longer be 
> necessary to perform yagyas to avert the dangers they themselves have 
> engendered, as the dome numbers would take care of that.
> Could be they do not believe their own hype.

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