> Oil is a fungible product; its price is dictated not
> by where it is originally located, but by whatever
> the global market for that product is at any particular
> point in time...
In Texas, we have cheaper gasoline than you do because we
have the refining capacity of Valero
<>   and Tesoro
<>  . It takes
less gasoline to transport refined gasoline to a location
than to import gasoline from Saudi Arabia. Texas is the
biggest producer of oil and gasoline in the United States
and has the most refineries.

These are the facts: <>

3302 Fairlanes Blvd & W Wilson St
Borger, TX

308 W Burlington
Fairfield, IA

In order to get gasoline, oil has to be transported to
a refinery. It's either done by truck or by ship or by
a pipeline, or you import gasoline already refined from
another country.

There is only one way to bring gasoline prices down in
the immediate future: demand must be decreased

But, for the future, what you need to do is get out and
vote for a candidate that really knows how to manage U.S.
energy resources. It's not the time to deny permits for
pipelines or to close refineries in the United States!

If Iran closes the Straight of Hormuz, you're going to
have to pay for it big time, with aid to Israel and at
the pump: look for $10.00 a gallon for regular!

America runs on gasoline and cars. Oil and gasoline are
the drivers for markets worldwide.

> > Your solution is to NOT drill and get oil to the
> > refinery?
> >
> Again, you're obviously a smart guy, even if
> reflexively oppositional, so I don't get why you made
> that stuff up, assert that I wrote it, and then put
> me down for writing it. How does that make any sense?
It was just a QUESTION, Marek - nobody is putting you
down for your opinions. Why are you TM Teachers so
confrontational? It doesn't make any sense.

At this point, there is no way you are going to avoid
$4.00 gasoline at the pump this summer. But, I say we
should be drilling for more domestic oil and building
new refineries for the next twenty years or so, in order
to supply the demand in the U.S.

Most people don't even know where the oil in their car
came from. But, I get ALL my oil from either Spindle
Top or the from the Permian Basin, and I use ONLY
Texaco fuel in my lawnmower.

"Blame refinery closures and downtimes in the United
States and in the Caribbean on top of seasonal hikes..."

Read more:

'Former Shell CEO: Get Ready for $5 Gasoline'
Money News: <>

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