Note that the point of this post is not to propose a
"theory," it's to attack Ravi and me (mostly me).

Barry's one-week "experiment," whicht was supposed to
prove him "right" about me, actually proved him *wrong*.

I should have added to my own predictions one about his
behavior: If his "experiment" failed, he would 
automatically go into attack overdrive.

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> My theory is more benign. Yours gives the "attackers"
> far too much credit, as if they actually had an impact
> on Sal's life, or anyone's here. That was never my 
> assessment. I got the feeling that Sal considered them 
> nothing more than what they were -- annoying gnats 
> flying around making buzzing sounds.
> Sal, unlike some on this forum who feel uncomfortable 
> and somehow not fulfilled when they *aren't* arguing 
> nastily with others and thus try to jumpstart the same 
> tired old arguments whenever they get a chance,

Says Barry, trying to jumpstart the same tired old
arguments. (Note that he claims he doesn't read Ravi's
and my posts, so he has no idea whether that was what
*we* were trying to do with Sal. It wasn't.)

> IMO what these losers do not -- a life. She is probably 
> busy pursuing it, that's all.
> Same with many of the other recurring targets who 
> have gone a little silent lately. They have lives, and 
> are busy enjoying them. The only people who miss the 
> constant bickering are those who feed on it, and have 
> nothing else to bring to the table.

Says Barry, bringing his own constant bickering back to
the table.

> In other words, some of us miss Sal because she's Sal,
> and we like her. NOT because we miss her serving as 
> a convenient target for a crazy person's neuroses.

Note that "In other words" is one of Barry's rhetorical
flourishes that doesn't actually fit the context. He
just needed a flourish, and it didn't matter to him that
it doesn't make any sense.

Nor does what follows the flourish make any sense. Nobody
was arguing that Barry's "NOT" was the case. He made that
up so he could pretend to be making somebody else wrong.

In fact, of course, he misses Sal because she always sided
with him, not "because she's Sal." He couldn't care less
about Sal except in the "enemy of my enemy is my friend"

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