On 02/21/2012 08:30 PM, seventhray1 wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey<no_reply@...>  wrote:
>> Now, where did Sunshine Sal run off to?
>> I miss her.>
> Want my theory?  Well here it is anyway.  Sal was the subject of some
> pretty heavy duty ridicule from Judy.  I'm am not even making a
> judgement of whether it was deserved or not.  Yea, Judy can be pretty
> ruthless.  What I have speculated is that Sal was seeing a therapist, or
> even had a good friend she would converse with.  Let's go with
> therapist.
> Even though this is the internet.  Even though it is impersonal in many
> ways, there are a lot of personal attacks here.  And I think they can be
> hurtful, even if  you think the person doing the attacking is full of
> sh*t.  So, this therapist says, "Sal, why are you subjecting  yourself
> to all this abuse?  Is it helpful to your self esteem in any way?"
> Sal thought about it, and realized that she didn't need to take this
> kind of abuse.  Again, I'm not saying she didn't fling plenty of sh*t
> herself.  But really, let's face it, Judy can be vicious in personal
> attacks.  I am not saying she is not provoked, but she can escalate a
> dispute to where it gets ugly, quickly.
> And then there was "he who I don't care to mention".  She was one of his
> favorite targets.

That or maybe Buck is getting his wish.  This group has slowed down 
quite a bit in traffic recently but then things are slow all over on 
other groups and forums too.  Don't know why?  Maybe people are busy 
playing around with their tax returns or terrified since the NDAA was 
signed that they might get snatched overnight by the gestapo or maybe 
"warfear" a calm before the storm thing.  But "personal attacks" should 
be just "line on water" for most people here, that is if TM works. ;-)

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