I am going to try and think aloud for one last submission for me on this 
subject of Robin's alleged  post to Curtis re: Judy. Then I am moving on. This 
is how I see it:

Robin may or may have not sent a less than complimentary post to Curtis about 
his opinion of Judy. Let's assume it is true. Why would Curtis lie?

We do not know when this occurred or in what context.

We do not know the nature of the comment Robin made.

What we do know is that Judy does not seem to care that this may have occurred. 
She appears confident enough in her relationship with Robin to understand that 
he would have his own, valid reasons for writing whatever he wrote to Curtis.

She appears to accept this as part of the nature of her relationship with 
Robin, she trusts that he has not betrayed or misled her by misrepresenting 
himself to her face while perhaps simultaneously communicating with Curtis 
something awful.

In other words, Judy is not doubting her mutual friendship with Robin and 
therefore her support of him and her belief in his integrity is undiminished by 
this alleged besmirching of her character.

I am also not reading that others really care if Robin communicated this 
"something" or not about Judy so if Curtis was trying in some way to undermine 
the apparent healthy relationship between Judy and Robin it didn't work. I 
don't think it is in anyone's vested interest to see Robin betray Judy, but I 
could be wrong.

So, for me personally I am choosing to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. 
I am going to assume Curtis was feeling like he wanted to lash out in Judy in 
some way in his frustration with her and consequently threw in the comment 
about Robin's "mysterious" opinions of Judy. I am going to assume whatever, if 
anything, Robin wrote he had a good reason for it (he is not a careless or 
impulsive man given to sudden outbursts of hurtfulness) and I can conjecture 
from Judy's recent posts on this subject that she is perfectly comfortable with 
whatever went down between Robin and Curtis regarding her. I'm also going to 
hope that if, for some reason Robin has been reading any of this over the last 
few days, that he will see that it will all be fine without him having to 
reappear because, after all, we're reasonable adults aren't we?

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