--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater <no_reply@> wrote:
> > So, for me personally I am choosing to give everyone the
> > benefit of the doubt. I am going to assume Curtis was feeling
> > like he wanted to lash out in Judy in some way in his
> > frustration with her..."
> Me:
> Wow I'd hate to see what you would write if you weren't giving
> me the "benefit of the doubt!"

See my upcoming post. Not what Ann would write, of course,
but I don't think there is any doubt of which Curtis
deserves the benefit.

> Ann:
> <...so if Curtis was trying in some way to undermine the
> apparent healthy relationship between Judy and Robin it
> didn't work.>
> Me:
> More benefit?
> Unlike Judy picking out the most obnoxious quotes from Robin
> and my posts in the past, which was an obvious attempt to
> patch things up between us no doubt.

These quotes are from public posts by Robin, not private 
communications that I characterized to serve my purposes
and then refused to quote so the accuracy of my
characterization could be verified. Moreover, I dated the
quotes so the chronology was clear, and anyone can check
the context by looking up the posts with Yahoo Advanced
Search. (I'll be happy to provide direct links if anyone
is interested.)

Plus which, the quotes from Robin's posts are highly
relevant to the case I've made against Curtis in these
disputes. The same cannot be said for what Curtis has
said about his private communications with Robin--except,
of course, insofar as the nature of Curtis's behavior 
supports that very same case.

That Curtis believes, or would pretend, that what I did
is ethically equivalent to what he did is still more
evidence of his fundamental lack of integrity.

> Ann
> <I can conjecture from Judy's recent posts on this subject
> that she is perfectly comfortable with whatever went down
> between Robin and Curtis regarding her.>
> Me: Yeah, she seems to have not given it a second thought.

What I have given "second thoughts" to is Curtis's
"dark side," his character flaws, not Robin's private
communications with Curtis concerning me, with which,
as Ann says, I am perfectly comfortable, whatever they

Note that Curtis has just indicated that making me
uncomfortable was indeed the goal of his unethical

Now let's see if Curtis doubles down on that unethical
behavior by insisting that there's no way I would be
comfortable with those communications if I could see
them, but goldurn it, he just has too much integrity to
quote them, so everyone will have to take his word for it.


As Ann says, I am "confident enough in [my] relationship
with Robin to understand that he would have his own,
valid reasons for writing whatever he wrote to Curtis."

Full stop on that point.

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