--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "martyboi" <martyboi@...> wrote:
> You make a cogent point, surrounding oneself with adoring sycophants is very 
> dangerous - it destroys company presidents, ministers, college professors - 
> nobody is immune because adoration is intoxicating. The classic case in this 
> generation could be Michael Jackson.
> I hung around AOL for a while, a big part of the teaching is not taking 
> yourself/life too seriously. One of his main teachings is that too much focus 
> on spirituality can make a person uptight and "dry."
> Sri Sri's lectures are usually serious subjects punctuated with lots of silly 
> big hats, gags and laughter.. The last time I saw him he had a mechanical 
> potted plant that spontaneously twirled a flower every so often. Whenever 
> someone got too serious, he just turned it on.
> If TM is "yoga light for modernity" AOL is yoga light without a chastity belt!

You and Curtis made some great observations, thanks! :-)

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