--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" <richard@> wrote:
> >
> > Watch Barry obsess about Andrew...
> Ahem. Barry is not the person who has thrown away
> six posts now...so far...compulsively responding
> to one obvious troll.  :-)

Barry can't count.

My first response to his initial Skolnick post made
fun of Barry. Remember, *he* was the one who 
suggested Andrew's post-alt.m.t accomplishments were
"revenge" on me.

Then he made two more posts in response to mine
(speaking of responding compulsively to an obvious
troll). The first took my post seriously; in the
second, he pretended he hadn't taken it seriously.
I responded to both of those pointing out his
blooper and his frantic attempt to cover it up.

I made one more quoting a post Barry made on alt.m.t
ripping into Andrew's competence as a journalist.

So a total of four posts from me, not six, responding
to his three, not just one.

With his latest post and my response, we're up to five
from me, four from him.

And he's regretting ever having made his initial post
in the first place.

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