--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> I have to comment on this because it's one of the 
> most insane statements I've ever heard. The very
> *idea* that a couple of fanatical crackpots on a 
> little-read Usenet forum could damage the career
> of a prize-winning journalist is ludicrous

I gave in to temptation:

"I think Skolnick is...one of the worst examples 
of journalism and/or rational thought I have ever 
encountered ANYWHERE! My point in replying to 
some of his more ludicrous posts is simply to 
point out the latter, NOT to defend TM.  ANY 
journalist worth his salt could find legitimate 
concerns in the TM movement, without needing to 
resort to the exaggeration, insinuation, 
misdirection, mistakes, paranoia, and outright 
lying that seem to be Mr. Skolnick's trademark.  
I would actually RESPECT a well-done, well-
researched critical study of the TM movement, but 
find little or nothing to respect in Mr. 
Skolnick's hatchet jobs."--Barry (posting as
"shoki"), alt.meditation.transcendental, April

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