On Jun 13, 2012, at 7:16 PM, emptybill wrote:

> What is Advaita?
>  This thirty page pamphlet explains why enlightenment is not a permanent 
> experience of a particular state of consciousness, why it is not a 
> thought-free mind, and why karma does not have to be exhausted for 
> liberation. It debunks many of the major misunderstandings about Vedanta and 
> spiritual life in general – first and foremost the idea that Vedanta is a 
> philosophy or a school of thought. It carefully explains what Vedanta 
> actually is and highlights several of its most important teachings: cause and 
> effect, the Three State analysis, and the five sheaths. It discusses the Self 
> as bliss confusion, the Self as Knowledge confusion, the Self as Energy 
> confusion, and the Multi-Path confusion. And finally it resolves the issue of 
> the "stages of enlightenment".
> http://www.stillnessspeaks.com/sitehtml/jamesswartz/advaita1.pdf

Nice, thanks B.

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