Robin, the very moment you start to DEFEND your own enlightenment, there is 
already something wrong. 

--- In, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@...> wrote:
> Dear Lawson,
> Just one thing you should know: By definition Unity Consciousness means the 
> individual intention for one's actions does not start with oneself. It starts 
> with cosmic intelligence. This was very much my experience. So, unless cosmic 
> intelligence decided to make accomplishing the flying sidhi the criterion for 
> Unity Consciousness; that is, cosmic intelligence, in a given moment decided 
> to make someone fly through the flying sidhi, the mere demand that one prove 
> one's enlightenment by being able to fly, well it is absurd. Because it 
> suggests that one's behaviour becomes subject to the control and command of 
> another person. Each and every action of some one who is enlightened is 
> determined b cosmic intelligence, not individual intention separate from this 
> cosmic intelligence. So Maharishi saying that being able to fly is the 
> determinant of whether a person is enlightened or not, is just fatuous—UNLESS 
> he meant that, a person who is in Unity Consciousness, should cosmic 
> intelligence through that person wish for him to fly, then he had better be 
> able to fly!
> When I was in Unity Consciousness there was nothing anyone could say to me 
> which would usurp the authority of this cosmic intelligence. So the demand: 
> Prove that you are enlightened by flying right now would be the equivalent of 
> saying: Your actions are determined by cosmic intelligence, but now I am 
> going to be the author of your actions: Obey me, not cosmic intelligence. 
> Maharishi himself was the classic exemplar of all this: never once attempting 
> to prove or demonstrate he was enlightened. And this was because he was not 
> subject to the demands or desires or judgments of anyone else. Not even to 
> himself: he remained cosmic to the very end I believe.
> Do you understand what I am saying, Lawson? That if you were enlightened you 
> would have the distinct and unchallengeable experience that all of your 
> actions were out of your control, and therefore any person making a demand 
> upon you simply would be computed cosmically in terms of: what is the correct 
> and appropriate response to what this person is asking me to do, namely prove 
> that I am enlightened by flying? And your response would NEVER be based upon 
> satisfying the individual subjective consciousness of that person. Now it 
> could come about that the cosmic intelligence decided: Ah, this person who is 
> enlightened is being asked to fly in order to prove he or she is enlightened. 
> Let's do it, then. But that would be on the terms of the cosmic intelligence 
> and only incidentally having anything do with the individual having made this 
> demand. Cosmic intelligence would take it out of this context and put it 
> inside a cosmic context.
> That said, I believe enlightenment to be an unnatural state of consciousness, 
> a perfect mystical hallucination. There is an experience of 
> unboundedness—perpetual—and the experience of one's actions being spontaneous 
> and creatively involuntary, guided, controlled and executed by cosmic 
> intelligence, But the state of enlightenment is, in an ultimate sense, 
> unreal—It is not a state of consciousness within which one is actually seeing 
> reality as it actually is. This is NOT what is going on. One is seeing 
> reality through a state of consciousness that does mechanically and 
> metaphysically represent a state of consciousness other than mere waking 
> state consciousness as known by the person before he or she became 
> enlightened. But more than this, it is not the intelligence which created the 
> universe which has created this state of consciousness; nor does the 
> intelligence which created the universe have anything to do with the actions 
> of the enlightened person—I mean in the sense of being the direct and 
> specific cause of those actions, In this sense the "cosmic" in cosmic 
> consciousness is not cosmic at all. It certainly is a metaphysical power, and 
> perhaps even is being controlled by very powerful intelligences; but those 
> intelligences would be Maharishi's Vedic gods, or personal gods, or "impulses 
> of creative intelligence". Who have nothing to do with the creation of the 
> universe nor the creation of Lawson, Robin, or—since she is part of this 
> discussion—Judy Stein.
> Even supposing there was someone who was a perfect Saint—and was seen to 
> levitate (as recorded in the lives of various Catholic Saints); in each case 
> this levitation—'flying'—would never be at the behest of that person's free 
> will; it would always be imposed upon that person 'from on high', from the 
> intelligence of the Creator.
> Whatever is the nature of the intelligence which created the universe, which 
> keeps the universe is existence, and which created you and me and keeps us in 
> existence, that intelligence would never allow a single created being to defy 
> the laws of gravity just at will, in order to prove the glorious truth that 
> someone had achieved what Maharishi deemed Unity Consciousness. No one has 
> ever been able to do something through individual will which does not 
> originate in the universal uncreated will—if, that is, the activity entails 
> flouting some natural law, like gravity. 
> Had being able to fly anything do with enlightenment, Maharishi would have 
> mentioned it in the Science of Being and The Art of Living; it would be in 
> the Gita; and he would have described how Guru Dev proved his enlightenment 
> constantly by doing the flying sidhi. That is, levitating upon demand. The 
> very idea is absurd. Maharishi never even thought of the flying sidhi when he 
> became enlightened. And in all his video and audio tapes he never mentioned 
> this idea in twenty years of bringing his teaching to the world. Maharishi 
> wanted to link doing the sidhis with enlightenment, so me made this absurd 
> and indefensible assertion that the test of Unity is: Can you fly?
> Of course in another way of understanding him, he was of course perfectly 
> right. If cosmic intelligence wished to prove someone was enlightened, then 
> it would levitate that person—*but only on its terms*, not on the terms of 
> the world, or Lawson.
> My experience of being enlightened was that everything was beautifully and 
> sometimes terrifyingly out of one's control. Getting de-enlightened had 
> everything do with with fighting to get control over one's own consciousness 
> and one's own actions.
> If Maharishi could say this he should also have said: The test of Unity is 
> whether you can hold back death, whether you can make yourself not subject to 
> death, whether you can, then, acquire physical immortality. Maharishi Mahesh 
> Yogi, he was magnificent and wondrous and magical, but he was in the end just 
> another created human being—but imprisoned inside a mystical hallucination. 
> The intelligences which created his enlightenment and his glorious moment in 
> creation, those same intelligences abandoned him in the end: Maharishi never 
> made one human being beautiful, nor did he make any human being a Saint. But 
> that was because in the end Maharishi was not beautiful and was not a Saint. 
> Although for thousands of us initiators, for a ten year period, he was better 
> than Christ. And as beautiful, and as saintly.
> I would say, Lawson, if someone obeyed the demand of an individual person's 
> challenge to their enlightenment, and *they answered that person on that 
> person's terms*: "Prove to me you in Unity by flying right now"—by actually 
> flying, then they would certainly have demonstrated some extraordinary power, 
> but they would prove that they were not in Unity. Because a person in Unity 
> does not behave on the basis of the desires and demands of an single 
> individual consciousness. A person in Unity behaves according to the 
> intentions of the intelligences which made that person enlightened.
> --- In, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@> wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > > > [...]
> > > > > Why did he wait until Robin had precipitated a crisis
> > > > > at MIU--even telling Bevan prior to that to leave Robin
> > > > > alone--if he knew all along Robin wasn't in UC?
> > > > 
> > > > He was having valid experiences of UC, according to all
> > > > accounts Why discourage Robin in his growth rather then
> > > > letting him draw his own conclusions by MMY's generalized
> > > > public statements?
> > > 
> > > How would telling Robin he wasn't quite there yet have
> > > discouraged Robin's growth?
> > 
> > MMY had ALREADY told Robin and everyone else that the TM-Sidhis would give 
> > them a feel for whether or not they were "quite there". OBviously, Robin 
> > didn't get the memo.
> > 
> > 
> > > 
> > > In 1983, he was causing big problems at MIU. Why didn't
> > > MMY interfere then?
> > > 
> > > > Robin never went back and asked MMY to revalidate things,
> > > > did he?
> > > 
> > > They were in personal contact at least once after Robin
> > > had set up his own group in Victoria (before coming to
> > > MIU).
> > 
> > And MMY llike as not gave him the same advice he gave everyone else: be 
> > practical in society and, the TM-Sidhis gives you a signpost of whether or 
> > not you are fully enlightened, etc.
> > 
> > As I said, Robin obviously didn't get the memo.
> > 
> > > 
> > > > Had he done so, MMY might have said "don't worry" or he
> > > > might have said "go and be practical in society" as he
> > > > did with Curtis.
> > > 
> > > I think that was Joe Kellett, not Curtis.
> > 
> > THought it was Curtis. No matter.
> > 
> > > 
> > > > Either way...
> > > > 
> > > > > There doesn't seem to be any way we can know what was
> > > > > going on in MMY's mind where Robin was concerned.
> > > > 
> > > > Of course there is. MMY made a very clear statement about
> > > > full success in any of the sidhis, such as yogic flying,
> > > > and full enlightenment.
> > > 
> > > You're still assuming you understand that statement.
> > 
> > I think that I do, at least on a certain level.
> > 
> > > 
> > > > It was up to Robin to make the connection, and apparently
> > > > he never did.
> > > 
> > > Or he did, and knew it didn't mean what you think it
> > > meant.
> > > 
> > 
> > Or he didn't and hasn't.
> > 
> > > Like I say, best to ask him how he sees all this. You
> > > and I aren't in a position to say what's what.
> > >
> > 
> > I believe he has already addressed this in a post from some time ago: he 
> > rejects MMY's position on this outright.
> > 
> > 
> > L.
> >

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