It is easy to argue that making sure that the Middle Class has a bit more money 
to spend contributes directly to employment, but given the spending habits of 
the ultra-wealthy, it is hard to make that argument for them instead.


--- In, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> I heard today that the income of  six largest stock holders of Walmart
> is equal to the income of the bottom 30% of US population.*
> * my apologies if I got  the exact metrics of this comparison wrong.
> And what you may not realize is that I am all for reaping the rewards of
> one's efforts.  That's how my work life is structured and that of my
> wife's.  But you seem to espouse an all or nothing attitude.  Extending
> tax cuts for the individuals making over $250,00/yr. is not going to
> have any significant impact on job growth.
> Certainly it may have some incrmental impact, but nowhere near the
> rheteric that is being used to support this.
> --- In, wgm4u <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
> >
> > > We live in a nation of money
> > > worshiping fools.
> >
> > The very reason Capitalism works best in this day and age! Now if we
> were all sweet, loving and non-greedy people, like YOU, we could have
> socialism or even Communism. Too bad were not all enlightened (like
> you)?
> >

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