Fantastic rhythm in Brother's text! :-)

--- In, "stevelf" <ysoy10li@...> wrote:
> brother Robin--- you have a beautiful heart......
> --- In, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@> wrote:
> >
> > Dear Vajradhatu,,
> > 
> > I have stormed the barricades, looked the devil in the eye, ransacked my 
> > life,
> > cried in plaintive tones to the universe, and for the life of me, I find 
> > there
> > is no answer to your thoroughly comprehensive put-down and demolishment of 
> > my
> > post. I now know what Kingsley felt when Newman humiliated him. There 
> > really is
> > nothing to say in refutation of what you have laid before me here, Vaj. 
> > Imagine
> > yourself in my predicament: how would you feel? You obviously never 
> > considered
> > my feelings or my reputation when you decided to go in for the kill.
> > 

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