--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Speaking as a fan, and as someone who has watched 
> the series get better and better, culminating in
> what will be taught in university classes of the
> future as The Perfect Season Of Television last
> year, I didn't know what to expect with the new
> season. 
> I know I'm a little behind the curve here, because
> all of the other fans of the series got to see this
> new episode on Sunday, but I've been moving, and 
> didn't get my copy until today. 
> So how could they possibly follow up The Perfect 
> Season Of Television? 
> Easy. Start with the first episode of what looks 
> like it will be The Even More Perfect Season Of 
> Television.

 I'm thinking the story arc of a progression from Krazy8/ 
Emilio to Tuco/Hector/& the Cousins Salamanaca to the 
Cartel to Gustavo may continue, hence the foreshadowing with
the M60 in the cold opening scene to begin season 5.
Each opponent was another rung on the same ladder. Each, in
turn, much more formidable, determined, and cunning. 

I could be wrong, but red herrings haven't been a plot 
device employed often in Breaking Bad. The linkage, 
last season, of Gus's businesses to a multinational parent
based out of Germany together with his mysterious history in 
Chile and the erasing of his past, indicates to me that
Walt is going to find himself facing a foe with far reaching 
assets that somehow is connected to the lineage that began
with the first person Walt murdered, Krazy8.

I can't remember ever feeling this much anticipation before
for a tv series. Season 1 was outstanding, but each season has
improved on all levels to a remarkable degree. The many unique
and signature touches are masterful. The nature photography, 
the way a scene is shot from a camera mounted inside an object
such as a car trunk/ refrigerator/suitcase as the subject peers 
inside, the lack of musical score in key places, the use of natural
and industrial background sounds instead of a composed score
in others, the way that minor characters are introduced and seem
to already have a fully fleshed-out sense of place...I could go on
and on.

New Mexico is a beautiful land and truly Enchanted. I love it deeply.
It exists in my very spirit and I return there regularly for refreshment.
The way the show is able to  juxtapose the natural beauty with the 
depraved ugliness of human behavior while *making me laugh*
astonishes me.    
Expectations for the next 15 episodes are high. Breaking Bad has a
way of exceeding expectations.    


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