excellent dig.Hope Uncle Tantra is not around [:D]  Isn't the world  so
small , melodramatic, entertaining ---and beautiful --
thanks to You
nooz' Bhairitu

OTOH  we may ask our self and contemplate
the defense-snake-fence
  the offense-horse-sense
of misusing academic position-title and references--
sixth sense?
OK then
goodnight, may your dreams be so happy and your head lite with the
wishes of a sandman and a night light for.....
--- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> I just remember the guy being on Art Bell (I think he was on more than
> once) and out of curiosity picked up the book.  I figured that folks
> here get a hoot out the book.
> Also out of curiosity I bought one of Major Ed Dames remote viewing
> tapes.  When after a week or two it didn't show up and I didn't even
> a confirmation email I called the number and Dames answered.  The
> duplication of the tapes had held up the order but it arrived about a
> week later.
> Bell's show was amusing though he tended to be a poor interviewer
> dragging the focus from the interviewed back to himself. He is also
> cousin of Turq's one time guru Freddie Lenz.  I attended one of the
> symposiums here in the Bay Area in the early 1990s and though I didn't
> know who he was at the time Bell emceed the event.
> On 07/25/2012 05:16 AM, merudanda wrote:
> > Hope he will  not have the same effect on FFL galactic member
> >    --here, courtesy Bhairitu noozguru, the Guru Dev chapter seen in
> > dhoti"with incense and Gandharva music (Maharishi Gandharva Veda
> > music,?) followed by the chapter conversation with God.
> > Guru Dev
> >
> > Early in our research, both my monitor and I were becoming
> > that there was much more to this project than the simple
> > of who was flying the saucers. By the summer of 1994,
> > we had obtained remote-viewing corroboration of the abduction
> > phenomenon, and we were becoming fairly well versed in the ideas
> > underlying the basic genetics program of the Greys and the prob-
> > lems that are being faced by the Martians. However, sensing a
> > much bigger picture, we agreed after much discussion to solidify
> > our earlier but tentative decision to include other targets of wise
> > beings besides Jesus that could give us advice as to how to
> > some of our data. This chapter is the result of targeting one such
> > individual, and I conducted the following session solo in a Type 1
> > setting.
> > Guru Dev was the meditation teacher of Maharishi Mahesh
> > Yogi. During the many months of my remote-viewing research, I
> > was sensing clearly that I needed to ask Guru Dev some questions.
> > Other remote viewers had been observing a group of Martians that
> > they called the "priesthood." These Martians seemed to have some
> > out-of-body travel and communication capabilities, and my monitor
> > thought that maybe they did the Sidhis. The Martian priest-
> > hood was on our long list of targets, and I knew that I would
> > eventually be given the target blind. But I wanted to get some in-
> > formation about them before diving my mind into their midst. If
> > they did the Sidhis, I needed to know this, and soon. Thus, one
> > morning in the summer of 1994 in Ann Arbor, Michigan, I targeted
> > Dev. Since it is a solo session, I report it as a narrative,
> > thereby omitting nearly all of the jargon of SRV's protocols.
> > Date: 24 July 1994
> > Place: Ann Arbor, Michigan
> > Data: Type 1
> > Target coordinates: 3745/4021
> > The preliminaries indicated energetics, land, and something
> > My initial perceptions included colors such as blue, white, and
> > brown. The textures that I perceived were airy. Again, and as with
> > all SRV sessions regardless of data type, I had no idea how I would
> > get to Guru Dev, or in what setting I would find him. The protocols
> > of SRV are set up to force the unconscious to make all of these
> > decisions. My conscious mind was just along for the ride.
> > The temperature was comfortable. I began to discern a sweet
> > taste, and the sounds of a form of Indian music called Gandarva. In
> > the subspace "air" there was the delicate smell of incense. I began
> > to chuckle to myself: it seemed that Guru Dev was setting a stage.
> > As I proceeded with the protocols, I found myself in a place that
> > seemed more subspace than physical. The topography seemed ir-
> > regularly shaped, with dips and holes, like tide pools along the
> > beaches of East Africa. But there was no water. I noticed that there
> > was a sky overhead.
> > Slightly off-center of my view, a light being looked at me. I
> > this being to be the target and approached. I sensed that it
> > was indeed Guru Dev, and he was waiting for me.
> > Before engaging in a conversation with Guru Dev, I looked
> > around. I made careful observations of the surrounding environment.
> > was quite colorful, and I found myself remarking that the
> > place was a bit weird (for me). The overall ambiance was very
> > comfortable, but I had never imagined a place that seemed so
> > and subspace at the same time. It certainly was a place of special
> > significance, although to this day I do not know where it was.
> > Redirecting my attention to Guru Dev, I noticed that he was
> > wearing wraparound white clothing, although the color was not to-
> > tally white. Indeed, the clothing had many shades of luminous colors
> > it. I telepathically told him that I had questions. He seemed
> > to know this, and he indicated I could proceed.
> > Remaining within the confines of the SRV protocols, I asked
> > him if the Martians have a priesthood. The response was clear:
> > they do. I then asked if the priesthood does the Sidhis. Quite
> > clearly, they do not. I immediately asked him what they worship.
> > Interestingly, he indicated to me that I should find out from them.
> > He thought I should experience it directly.
> > I then asked Guru Dev if the Federation council members do
> > the Sidhis. I sensed that he became a bit more serious, and he in-
> > formed me that tl with fully trained diplomats. The galactic
> > course that I have constructed is outlined in a later
> > God.)
> > To my readers, I have a confession: for this chapter, neither my
> > monitor nor I could restrain ourselves. For a long while we tried to
> > steer this book entirely away from religious topics. But the idea of
> > evolution toward some central point reappeared wherever we
> > looked. Moreover, religious themes kept overlapping with what we
> > thought were simple ET concepts.
> > Prior to this, my monitor hadn't the courage to target God with
> > SRV. But finally, he became much more daring and gave me a set
> > of coordinate numbers for a blind, monitored session in which the
> > target was God.hey did something related, but not exactly the
> > Sidhis. They did something that was appropriate for their own
> > level and experience.
> > Continuing, I asked Guru Dev if the Sidhis are useful for a
> > diplomacy course for human representatives to the Federation
> > council. Following this question, I received the strongest response
> > all. Guru Dev emphatically indicated yes. Indeed, practice of the
> > will greatly assist humans with their interactions
> > with the council members in the Federation. Guru Dev's emphasis
> > to the types of personalities that are on the council.
> > Human representatives familiar with matters of consciousness
> > would more easily interact with these personalities regarding
> > matters of state than could representatives not so trained. I got
> > the warning sense that humans should not mess around with the
> > Federation by sending just anyone to the headquarters. It would
> > be like the United States sending an untrained person to be the
> > U.S. ambassador in Moscow. No one would take the person seriously,
> > Russians would eventually wonder what kind of people
> > the Americans are. Humans need to send representatives to the
> > Federation chambers who are actively engaged in their own
> > growth in consciousness. Mature and rapidly evolving
> > human representatives would speak well for their fellow global
> > citizens on Earth.
> > I then asked if Guru Dev could see any problems with the use of
> > scientific remote viewing as the means for representatives to
> > communicate with the Federation council. He said that this method of
> > communication is not optimal, and it will change later as human
> > society matures. But for now, it is the only way possible.
> > At this point, I had run out of questions. I just looked at him
> > and asked if he had any further thoughts. He just looked back at
> > me, and indeed, into me. He was just calm, very, very calm. I
> > thanked him and ended the session.
> > ....
> >
> > --- In, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> Yes .In November of 1996, he was a guest on the Art Bell Show, a
> >> late-night radio show that features interviews with people who
> > a
> >> variety of psychic experiences. That evening the question arose of
> >> photograph of the recently discovered Hale-Bopp comet. The photo
> > seemed
> >> to show a white circular object following the comet. Brown stated
> >> emphatically that the object was a spacecraft.
> >>
> >
> >> As it turned out, Brown's statement found its way to a small group
> >> believers in San Diego, California, who were looking for a
> > to
> >> arrive and carry them away from Earth. Their belief in his
> >> became one factor leading to the mass suicide of the Heaven's Gate
> > group
> >> at the spring equinox.
> >> Brown was, of course, in no way responsible for the suicide; his
> >> statement just happened to fit into their worldview.Brown's
> >> only inadvertently led to his involvement in this unfortunate
> > in
> >> 1997.
> >> --- In, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
> >>> I've been thinking the last few days about digging out a book by a
> >> guest
> >>> on Art Bell's show during the 1990s.  I recall that he was
> > in
> >>> TM and that he claimed to have contacted "Guru Dev" or Brahmananda
> >>> Saraswati via remote viewiong.  Well that book is stuck away in a
> > mess
> >>> that will take a safari to retrieve so since Google is my friend I
> > did
> >> a
> >>> little searching.  Not only is the Art Bell guest's web site
> > available
> >>> but he has the book there for a free download.  The guy is
> >>> Brown (maybe some of you listened to him on Bell's show) and here
> >> the
> >>> page with his book download.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Have fun!
> >>>
> >

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