On Jul 29, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Share Long <sharelon...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Vaj, do you realize that MTM also stand for Mary Tyler Moore and that this 
> came out in the famous Merv Griffin Show with Maharishi and Clint and Mary?
> MTM was the name of her production company.  She made a joke about Mary's TM. 
>  Maharishi playfully corrected her.
> More seriously, I still think that long term TMers spontaneously fall into 
> mindfulness but it's called something else:  yogah stah kuru karmani, 
> established in Being perform action.  And in this sense, every thinking is an 
> action.
> OTOH maybe should read book on Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh.

For me, it’s all about balance. From my POV, what appears to happen in some 
meditation practitioners is that the object of meditation, the mantra in TM, 
becomes a non-ascertained object to an inattentive awareness. As awareness 
allegedly expands, moments of non-ascertaining awareness should decrease and 
inattentive awareness should be replaced with an over-arching awareness or 
presence. It’s the over-arching remembering that keeps a practice from falling 
into non-attentive states and it’s sequelae.

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