I continue to ask you Turqb - why are you here?  If I felt like you, there is 
no way I would waste my time religiously posting to such a place day after day 
after day after day as you do.  Care to balance this out with what you feel are 
the positive qualities of FFL that draw you to participate?  After all the 
years you've been here, seems like your "curiosity" about how the "TM 
community" is faring would have waned.  It seems like you would reserve your 
opinions, articles, funnies, pics, and ramblings for an audience that you 

 From: turquoiseb <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 6:21 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Buck...mending my ways and posting only photos 
of sattvic TMers

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
<anartaxius@...> wrote:
> This forum was created for supposedly mature adults, and 
> if children are prohibited, but are on the forum, what 
> shall we say about their parents? Is there anyone here 
> under the age of 18?

Alternatively, is there anyone here who has achieved
an emotional or intellectual age *higher* than 18?  :-)

I've been kinda dismayed recently to realize that this
forum seems to consist of people who believe things
that most people on the planet would consider either
retarded, or insane, or both. For example:

* There are people here who still believe that using
muscle power to bounce around on their butts on slabs 
of foam has the magical ability to end crime and strife 
and bring about world peace. 

* There are people here who, when someone tells them
that they've been contacted in real time by aliens from 
the Pleiades, a star cluster so far away that it takes
*light* 500 years to travel from there to here, believe
every word that these supposed aliens supposedly said, 
and base important life decisions on their advice.

* There are people here whose everyday behavior and 
ability to hold grudges and act out on them would make 
junior high school kids ashamed to be seen with them.

* There are people who believe that hiring brown-skinned 
boys from India to chant to non-existent gods and goddesses 
for them is the way to achieve all their goals and desires 
in life.

* There are people who believe that posting a tasteful
photograph of a fully-clothed woman is pornography.

My feeling is that this forum would *benefit* from having
a few kids on it. Add four or five down-to-earth, feet-on-
the-ground modern 15-year-olds to this forum, and both
the emotional and intelligence quotient of the group would 
rise by 10 or more points.


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