--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37" <feste37@> wrote:
> >
> > It's puzzling, isn't it? One would have thought that 
> > TurquoiseB would long ago have migrated to another forum 
> > that was more of a match for his own intellectual and 
> > emotional maturity. 

I have. :-) I remain here just to keep in touch with my real feelings, my 
conscience, and the destiny of my martyrdom. A few people whose experiences and 
ability to discuss
this, still interest me, and since they do not see through me (or if they do, 
they won't say Boo), I gotta keep doing my thing, folks. This past couple of 
weeks has been instructive because as someone noted, a lot of fat earwigs and 
tiny baby snails and sweet hummingbirds "came out of the woodwork" and kinda 
demonstrated how each of them was one of God's creatures. Who and what they 
really were and what their intent was I have no idea, but certainly it was 
enough to torment me into making a mockery of Mary's little lambkin. That was 
useful, because now I can simply put them inside the formaldehyde that I keep 
in a jar by my bed. And then I can focus on the folks who are willing to string 
the bitch up and then bury her in unconsecrated soil.  I consider these fellow 
apparatchiks (who know the opiate of Fairfield) worth my singing to them the 
hymns of my still beating heart. If you're wondering, no, I still love my 
little scorpion (I envy his sting). Whoever you are, if you feel how perfectly 
this post does not touch me,  you made the cut. :-)

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